What we do

Women for Conservation empowers and partners with women around the globe
to protect endangered wildlife and their habitats.

Sustainable Livelihoods

We promote community conservation initiatives through training women for eco-friendly careers. By creating ecotourism career opportunities inĀ  communities living around critical biodiversity hotspots, we incentivize preserving natural habitats and resources, which is key for
saving unique species on the brink of extinction.

Sustainable Livelihoods

Lacking economic opportunities, many rural communities turn to slash-and-burn agriculture, cattle ranching, logging, and other activities that are detrimental to the environment and local biodiversity.

As an eco-friendly alternative, Women for Conservation trains women in sustainable livelihoods, such as working as nature guides for ecotourism and forest guards for nature reserves. Additionally, women learn trades that reduce demand for natural resources, like producing environmentally sustainable jewelry, coffee, and artisan crafts. These activities also serve to financially empower women, strengthen their independence, and improve the lives of their families.

Living in harmony with nature is the way to protect wildlife and ultimately ourselves.

Our holistic approach deeply impacts the lives of women and mothers, whose wellbeing has a ripple effect throughout the community. Support our cause today.